Wednesday, May 22, 2013

We have arrived at our foster home! 5-20-2013

Oh my goodness.  These people put us in a car with some new lady that we don't know for a VERY long ride in this thing called a car to a place known as San Diego!!!  Then we were dropped off with some more people who are known to be our foster parents.  They seem real nice!

Next thing we know, we're in this big huge white thing that fills with water!!!!!! It was not all that much fun either.  They made us all wet with soap and water!  I guess it's known as a bath.  Well, it was not terrible, but it wasn't the greatest thing either.

Then we got dried off with towels, THANK GOODNESS!!!! And after that we got a nice meal of grain-free puppy food!

We spent the evening napping together, although our brother "Trouble" was barking his head off while we were all trying to sleep!  He is the brat of our little pack of puppies!

This awesome organization called "Operation Blankets of Love" donated some toys to keep us entertained, and these really awesome dog treats!  They also helped with some blankets and a dog bed for us.

We spent part of the night playing in the puppy pen, then slept peacefully the rest of the evening!!! I think this will be a fun experience!  We are glad we get to stay together at least for now... We sure do miss our mama dogs though.

Til next time...
-"The Terrific Ten"

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